There is one (1) Primary Code Holder per state in the United States. A Primary Code Holder (PCH) is entitled to 1,500 Member Code Holder accounts and will receive up to 1.75% of the cash back rewards from purchases made by the Associated Member Code Holder (ACH) and the Member Code Holder (MCH) from merchants, product manufacturers and service providers participating in the WDY$Go? INIAITIVE. The Primary Code Holder will share 50/50 or 1.75% of the cash back rewards received by the Associate Code Holder.
Primary Code Holder
During the two-year study, a participating Primary Colde Holder will be able to log onto their password protected online account to review the tracked spending of their associated Member Code Holders and will also be able to monitor their cash back rewards earned. The Member's personal names will not be exposed. We focus only their collective spending by merchant and product manufacturer categories.