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What are the terms and conditions

to become a participant in the

"Where Did Your $ Go?" Initiative



The terms and conditions of the WDY$Go? Initiative and study calls for the Member Code Holder (MCH) to be associated with an Associate Code Holder (ACH) who must be associated with a Primary Code Holder (PCH).


For participating in the study, the MCH will receive up to a three and one-half percent (3.5%) cash reward from participating merchants and goods manufacturers.


For participating in the study, the ACH will receive up to a three and one-half percent (3.5%) cash reward from participating merchants and goods manufacturers. The ACH will share fifty-fifty (50/50)  or 1.75% of cash rewards received by ACH.


For participating in the study, the PCH will receive up to a 1.75% cash reward from participating merchants and goods manufacturers from the consumer products made by the MCH and the ACH.



1,500 household participants per State in the United States of America
plus Washington, DC  and Puerto Rico
will be accepted into the "Where Did Your $ Go?" Household Study Initiative Cash Back Rewards Program
for a total of 78,000 households in the Study Initiative.

Global participation varies depending upon the manufacturing country of origin for the purchased consumer goods
and the country for final delivery of the purchased and tracked consumer goods product. 

Register today into the "Where Did Your $ Go?" Household Financial Study Initiative Cash Rewards Program
and become a part of this vital study while creating fiscal responsibility
that will answer the ageless question of:

"Where Did Your Money Go?"

Concepts with Solutions LLC 2024 is Project Managed by Concepts with Solutions LLC

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